Our species is about to accelerate a naturally accruing transition from a life form still under the influence of our predatory survival instincts into enlighten beings capable of taking deliberate control of our intellectual evolutionary development. We will end the predatory evolution of our species that has dominated our social development since the beginning of our existence.


Our current level of technology is already capable of making a global transition to a predator free society at an exponential rate. It will be the residual effects of artificial selection for thousands of years, and the ritualistically induced subjective realities that will present the greatest challenge.

As a member of a predator free society I will use my creative and technical skills to benefit the entire community as appose to just satisfying my own personal ambitions to accumulate greater wealth and power. I will endeavor to provide the greatest contribution possible knowing my actions will help others to end their competition for survival under capitalism and start working to allow more people do the same.

The predator free social structure is also capable of exponential growth making it a good match for an integrated technical solution like the TFT Automated Community Infrastructure. Our evolutionary transition to a predator free society is inevitable, the only question that remains is how many people will lead, how many will follow and how many will be left behind?